50 Animal Quiz Questions and Answers For Kids

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Are you looking for some questions about animals for kids? You’ve come to the right place!

This animal quiz for kids is perfect for parents who want to entertain their kids while giving them a chance to improve their general knowledge.

Making them learn something while playing, isn’t the best of both worlds?

To help you do that, I put together these animal quiz questions for kids. You will find 5 rounds of them including trivia (easy, medium and hard) as well as multiple choice and true or false.

They are all about animals which we all know is one of the favourite topics for kids. This means there are some questions about anatomy, famous animals in movies and more.

So, grab a piece of paper so you can write down your little one’s answers (or they can). It will make it easier to count.

Round 1: Easy Animal Trivia Questions for Kids

Two cheetahs
  1. What is a female lion called?
  2. Which rainforest is home to more animal species than any other ecosystem on Earth?
  3. What is the fastest animal on Earth?
  4. How many eyes do most spiders have?
  5. What do hedgehogs, bears, chipmunks and hamsters do to survive the winter?
  6. What is the name of the case that caterpillars retreat into while they turn into a butterfly?
  7. What is the largest fish in the oceans?
  8. What is the name of the closed structure that honeybees call home?
  9. Which part of their body can lizards detach to escape from a predator?
  10. Cats, monkeys and humans all belong to which group of animals?

Round 1: Easy Animal Trivia Questions and Answers for Kids

  1. What is a female lion called? Lioness
  2. Which rainforest is home to more animal species than any other ecosystem on Earth? Amazon
  3. What is the fastest animal on Earth? Cheetah
  4. How many eyes do most spiders have? Eight
  5. What do hedgehogs, bears, chipmunks and hamsters do to survive the winter? Hibernate
  6. What is the name of the case that caterpillars retreat into while they turn into a butterfly? Cocoon 
  7. What is the largest fish in the oceans? Whale Shark
  8. What is the name of the closed structure that honeybees call home? The Hive
  9. Which part of their body can lizards detach to escape from a predator? Tail
  10. Cats, monkeys and humans all belong to which group of animals? Mammals

Round 2: Animal Multiple Choice Questions for Kids

Komodo dragon
  1. Which of these animals is not one of the ‘big five’ African mammals?
    1. Buffalo
    2. Leopard
    3. Antilope
    4. Rhino
  2. The Pygmy Marmoset is the ___ monkey in the world?
    1. Smallest
    2. Biggest
    3. Smartest
    4. Fastest
  3. What do Texas Horned Lizards do to scare away predators?
    1. Spit poison
    2. Shoot blood from their eyes
    3. Puff out their spikes
    4. Whip up the sandy ground with their tails
  4. How many teeth do Komodo Dragons have?
    1. 6
    2. 16
    3. 60
    4. 160
  5. Which dog breed has a blue tongue?
    1. Shih Tzu
    2. Maltese
    3. Tibetan Mastiff 
    4. Chow Chow
  6. Prehistoric giant sloths were roughly the same size as a ___
    1. Great Dane
    2. Shetland pony
    3. Black Bear
    4. Elephant
  7. Which of these birds can fly?
    1. Penguin
    2. Ostrich
    3. Emu
    4. Chicken
  8. Mountain lions go by many names. Which of the following is not another name for a mountain lion?
    1. Panther
    2. Cougar
    3. Dingo
    4. Puma
  9. Why does the jellyfish Turritopsis Dohrnii fascinate scientists?
    1. Because it has a shell like a snail
    2. Because it’s technically immortal
    3. Because it doesn’t have a brain 
    4. Because it’s scarily intelligent 
  10. How many dog breeds are recognised by the International Canine Federation?
    1. 180
    2. 211
    3. 295
    4. 360

Round 2: Animal Multiple Choice Questions and Answers for Kids

  1. Which of these animals is not one of the ‘big five’ African mammals? C. Antilope
  2. The Pygmy Marmoset is the ___ monkey in the world? A. smallest
  3. What do Texas Horned Lizards do to scare away predators? B. Shoot blood from their eyes
  4. How many teeth do Komodo Dragons have? C. 60
  5. Which dog breed has a blue tongue? D. Chow Chow
  6. Prehistoric giant sloths were roughly the same size as a ___ C. Black Bear
  7. Which of these birds can fly? D. chicken
  8. Mountain lions go by many names. Which of the following is not another name for a mountain lion? C. Dingo
  9. Why does the jellyfish Turritopsis Dohrnii fascinate scientists? B. Because it’s technically immortal
  10. How many dog breeds are recognised by the International Canine Federation? D. 360

Round 3: Animal Quiz for Kids – True or False

Two polar bears play fighting
  1. Polar bears’ fur isn’t actually white, it’s see through.
  2. Killer whales are actually a type of dolphin.
  3. Camels can store more than 15 litres of water in each hump.
  4. Octopuses’ brains are shaped like a donut.
  5. Only male bees have a stinger.
  6. Moles eat more than 2 times their body weight in worms and insects each day.
  7. Jellyfish are 98% water.
  8. Cows have four stomachs.
  9. Male seahorses give birth to their babies instead of female seahorses.
  10. The oldest known animal in the world is a tortoise named Jonathan who turned 190 in December 2022.

Round 3: Animal Quiz Answers for Kids – True or False

  1. Polar bears’ fur isn’t actually white, it’s see through. True
  2. Killer whales are actually a type of dolphin. True
  3. Camels can store more than 15 litres of water in each hump. False, camels actually store fat in their humps
  4. Octopuses’ brains are shaped like a donut. True
  5. Only male bees have a stinger. False, only female bees have a stinger
  6. Moles eat more than 2 times their body weight in worms and insects each day. False, though they do eat around the equivalent of their body weight every day.
  7. Jellyfish are 98% water. True
  8. Cows have four stomachs. False, they have one stomach with four sections.
  9. Male seahorses give birth to their babies instead of female seahorses. True
  10. The oldest known animal in the world is a tortoise named Jonathan who turned 190 in December 2022. True

Round 4: Medium Animal Trivia Questions for Kids

Borneo Orangutan
  1. Instead of using their nostrils, which body part do snakes use to smell?
  2. How many hearts do octopuses have?
  3. Which part of a rodent never stops growing?
  4. What is the name for a female peacock?
  5. What is a group of lions called?
  6. On which continent would you find most marsupials?
  7. Which gentle primate’s name literally translates to ‘old man of the forest’?
  8. What is the only venomous snake that lives in the UK?
  9. What colour would flamingos’ feathers be if they didn’t eat pink shrimp and algae?
  10.  What is the only big cat that doesn’t roar?

Round 4: Medium Animal Trivia Questions and Answers for Kids

  1. Instead of using their nostrils, which body part do snakes use to smell? Their tongue
  2. How many hearts do octopuses have? Three
  3. Which part of a rodent never stops growing? It’s teeth
  4. What is the name for a female peacock? Peahen 
  5. What is a group of lions called? A pride
  6. On which continent would you find most marsupials? Australia
  7. Which gentle primate’s name literally translates to ‘old man of the forest’? Orangutan
  8. What is the only venomous snake that lives in the UK? The Adder
  9. What colour would flamingos’ feathers be if they didn’t eat pink shrimp and algae? Grey
  10.  What is the only big cat that doesn’t roar? Cheetah

Round 5: Hard Animal Trivia Questions for Kids

Opossum walking in snow
  1. What is the only marsupial native to North America?
  2. What kind of frog is also known as the Wolverine Frog or the Horror Frog?
  3. What are the only mammals that can fly?
  4. Which four to six centimetre octopus is one of the most venomous animals on Earth?
  5. What are the ‘horns’ on top of a giraffe’s head called?
  6. What is a group of walruses called?
  7. Which mammal performs a slow, threatening dance when it sees a predator, which scientists believe is based on the movements of the cobra?
  8. Which animal can be described as a neotenic salamander that spends its whole life underwater?
  9. Which body part can a crayfish grow back if it’s cut off?
  10. What is the only animal that can live without ever drinking water?

Round 5: Hard Animal Trivia Questions and Answers for Kids

  1. What is the only marsupial native to North America? Opossum
  2. What kind of frog is also known as the Wolverine Frog or the Horror Frog? Hairy Frog
  3. What are the only mammals that can fly? Bats
  4. Which four to six-centimetre octopus is one of the most venomous animals on Earth? Blue-ringed octopus 
  5. What are the ‘horns’ on top of a giraffe’s head called? Ossicones
  6. What is a group of walruses called? A huddle
  7. Which mammal performs a slow, threatening dance when it sees a predator, which scientists believe is based on the movements of the cobra? Slow Loris
  8. Which animal can be described as a neotenic salamander that spends its whole life underwater? Axolotl
  9. Which body part can a crayfish grow back if it’s cut off? Claws
  10. What is the only animal that can live without ever drinking water? Kangaroo rat

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