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Are you looking for a Choose The Correct Spelling Quiz? Then you are in for a treat!
Do you think you know how to spell all the words in the English language correctly? How would you feel if we challenged that assumption? In this quiz, you will be given 58 spelling trivia questions and answers.
We will give you a word, and you must choose the correct spelling from the four provided options.
Some of them are quite easy but others are much harder than you think. Also, seeing all these different spelling options can be sometimes confusing so you can be sure of one thing, it will get you thinking!
Are you up for the challenge? Let’s find out with the ultimate spelling quiz with answers!
Round 1: Easy Choose The Correct Spelling Quiz
Let’s get started with an easy spelling test for adults or kids. You will find below 10 spelling questions with 4 possible answers. Choose the right one.
- What is the correct spelling?
- Weird
- Wierd
- Weerd
- Weard
- What is the correct spelling?
- Definitely
- Defenitely
- Definetely
- Definitly
- What is the correct spelling?
- Mantenance
- Maintenance
- Miantenance
- Maintenence
- What is the correct spelling?
- Brocoli
- Broccolli
- Broccolee
- Broccoli
- What is the correct spelling?
- Consensus
- Consansus
- Consenses
- Consensuse
- What is the correct spelling?
- Febuary
- Ferbruary
- Frebuary
- February
- What is the correct spelling?
- Collegue
- Colleegue
- Colleague
- Colligue
- What is the correct spelling?
- Beginning
- Begining
- Begginning
- Beaginning
- What is the correct spelling?
- Environement
- Environemant
- Enveronment
- Environment
- What is the correct spelling?
- Knowledge
- Knoledge
- Knowlege
- Knownlege
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Round 1: Easy Choose The Correct Spelling Quiz Answers
- Weird
- Definitely
- Maintenance
- Broccoli
- Consensus
- February
- Colleague
- Beginning
- Environment
- Knowledge
Round 2: Medium Choose The Correct Spelling Quiz
- Choose the correct spelling.
- Intelligence
- Inteligence
- Inttelligence
- Intelligance
- Choose the correct spelling.
- Pronounciation
- Pronounciasion
- Prononciation
- Pronunciation
- Choose the correct spelling.
- Questionnare
- Questionnaire
- Questionaire
- Questionner
- Choose the correct spelling.
- Entreprenur
- Entrepreuneur
- Entreprenor
- Entrepreneur
- Choose the correct spelling.
- Bureaucracy
- Burocracy
- Bureucracy
- Buraucracy
- Choose the correct spelling.
- Ocurrence
- Occurrence
- Ocurence
- Occurence
- Choose the correct spelling.
- Liquidify
- Liquefy
- Lequefy
- Lequify
- Choose the correct spelling.
- Asassination
- Assassinnation
- Assassination
- Assasination
- Choose the correct spelling.
- Acommodate
- Accomodate
- Accommodate
- Accammodate
- Choose the correct spelling.
- Irresistible
- Iresistible
- Irresestible
- Irresistable
- Choose the correct spelling.
- Milennium
- Millenium
- Millennium
- Milleninum
- Choose the correct spelling.
- Misissippi
- Missisippi
- Mississipi
- Mississippi
- Choose the correct spelling.
- Necessary
- Neccessary
- Necesary
- Necassery
- Choose the correct spelling.
- Minuscle
- Miniscule
- Minscle
- Minuscule
- Choose the correct spelling.
- Ingenius
- Ingenious
- Ingenios
- Inginious
READ MORE: 100 Multiple Choice Trivia Questions and Answers for your next Quiz Night
Round 2: Medium Choose The Correct Spelling Quiz Answers
- Intelligence
- Pronunciation
- Questionnaire
- Entrepreneur
- Bureaucracy
- Occurrence
- Liquefy
- Assassination
- Accommodate
- Irresistible
- Millennium
- Mississippi
- Necessary
- Minuscule
- Ingenious
Round 3: Hard Choose The Correct Spelling Quiz
- What is the correct spelling of this word?
- Faraoh
- Pharao
- Pharaoh
- Pharaon
- What is the correct spelling of this word?
- Comittee
- Committee
- Committe
- Commitee
- What is the correct spelling of this word?
- Posession
- Possesion
- Possession
- Posesion
- What is the correct spelling of this word?
- ​​Threshold
- Thresold
- ​​Threhold
- ​​Freshold
- What is the correct spelling of this word?
- Hierachy
- Hierarchy
- Heirarchy
- Heirachy
- What is the correct spelling of this word?
- Kennel
- Kenel
- Chennel
- Kennelle
- What is the correct spelling of this word?
- Nausous
- Nauseus
- Noseous
- Nauseous
- What is the correct spelling of this word?
- Sacrilegius
- Sacrilegios
- Sacrelegious
- Sacrilegious
- What is the correct spelling of this word?
- Dilate
- Deilate
- Delate
- Dylate
- What is the correct spelling of this word?
- Orang Outan
- Orangutan
- Orang Utan
- Oran Gutan
- What is the correct spelling of this word?
- Rhythm
- Rhythme
- Rhithm
- Rhithme
- What is the correct spelling of this word?
- Tyrany
- Tyranie
- Tyranny
- Tiranny
- What is the correct spelling of this word?
- Mischievous
- Maschievous
- Meschievous
- Mischievious
- What is the correct spelling of this word?
- Playrite
- Playright
- Playwrite
- Playwright
- What is the correct spelling of this word?
- Fuchia
- Fuchsia
- Fuschia
- Fushia
Round 3: Hard Choose The Correct Spelling Quiz Answers
- Pharaoh
- Committee
- Possession
- ​​Threshold
- Hierarchy
- Kennel
- Nauseous
- Sacrilegious
- Dilate
- Orangutan
- rhythm
- Tyranny
- Mischievous
- Playwright
- Fuchsia
Round 4: Find the correctly spelt words Picture Quiz
You can find below a selection of words. Some of them are spelt correctly. Others aren’t. Find the ones that have the correct spelling.
Round 4: Find the correctly spelt words Picture Quiz Answers
Here are the words that were correctly spelt in the picture round.
- Sergeant
- Schedule
- Relevant
- Recommend
- Misspell
- Perseverance
- Pastime
So, How many points did you score in this Correct spelling of words quiz?
Let us know your score 🙂
We hope you enjoyed all these spelling quiz questions and answers. If you want to try some more games and quizzes, don’t hesitate to browse our website, we’ve got loads!
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