68 Gardening Quiz Questions and Answers

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Are you looking for the ultimate gardening quiz? You’ve come to the right place!

Gardening is a great hobby that can be enjoyed by people of all ages. It’s a great way to relax and get some exercise, and it can also be very rewarding.

If you have a green thumb and a true passion for gardening and plants, this quiz will be perfect for you.

What is the best time of year to plant most flowers and vegetables? What type of soil is the best? Where should you plant tomatoes? You know the answers to all of these? Then you’re about to have even more fun!

Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced gardener, these 68 quiz questions and answers about gardening and landscaping will test your knowledge of all things garden related.

So, are you ready to get started with this gardening quiz? Let’s go!

Round 1: Easy Gardening Trivia questions

gardening tools and black soil
  1. Which part of the horseradish plant can be used to make a sauce?
  2. What colour is a kumquat?
  3. How do plants absorb minerals from the soil? 
  4. Which country does corn come from?
  5. Which type of vegetable is a Bintje?
  6. Which plant was initially called “The love apple”?
  7. What is the thing or animal that helps carry pollen called?
  8. What type of plants is grown in a water garden?
  9. What is the action of removing unwanted branches on trees called?
  10. What gardening tool is used to gather and pick up leaves in Autumn?

Round 1: Easy Gardening Trivia Questions and Answers

  1. Which part of the horseradish plant can be used to make a sauce? Root 
  2. What colour is a kumquat? Orange
  3. How do plants absorb minerals from the soil? Through their root hair cells 
  4. Which country does corn come from? Mexico
  5. Which type of vegetable is a Bintje? Potato
  6. Which plant was initially called “The love apple”? Tomato
  7. What is the thing or animal that helps carry pollen called? Pollinator
  8. What type of plants is grown in a water garden? Aquatic plants (plants adapted to ponds and pools)
  9. What is the action of removing unwanted branches on trees called? Pruning
  10. What gardening tool is used to gather and pick up leaves in Autumn? A rake

Round 2: Gardening Multiple Choice questions

Preparing to plant flowers in the garden
  1. Which of the following chemical elements is not among the main elements in most fertilizers?
    1. Nitrogen 
    2. Potassium
    3. Phosphorus
    4. Oxygen
  2. What is the process of growing plants in partial light called?
    1. Etiolation
    2. De-Etiolation
    3. Phototropism 
    4. Photosynthesis
  3. In which Canadian province can you find the Butchart Gardens?
    1. Alberta
    2. Brtish Columbia
    3. Ontario
    4. Quebec
  4. How long does it take to grow a pumpkin?
    1. 10-120 days
    2. 50-120 days
    3. 50-100 days
    4. 90-120 days
  5. What is the best time of the year to plant a pumpkin?
    1. From early May through August 
    2. From early July through September 
    3. From early May through June
    4. From early November through December
  6. When can you harvest new potatoes?
    1. 30-60 days
    2. 60-90 days
    3. 90-120 days
    4. 120-150 days
  7. Which fertilizer is best for ginger?
    1. Low-nitrogen
    2. High-nitrogen
    3. Low-potassium 
    4. High-potassium
  8. How long does it take to grow/mature ginger?
    1. Five to ten months
    2. Eight to ten months
    3. Five to eleven months
    4. Eight to seven months
  9. Which of these is not a benefit of using mulch?
    1. To keep the soil hot 
    2. To keep the soil cool
    3. To prevent weeds
    4. To dry out damp soil
  10. When is the best time to harvest Rhubarb (in the Northern Hemisphere)?
    1. January – February
    2. March – April
    3. May – June
    4. October – November
  11. What is the fastest-growing vegetable?
    1. Radishes
    2. Potato 
    3. Okra
    4. Aubergine  
  12. Where is the world’s largest botanical garden?
    1. New York City, USA
    2. Kew, England
    3. Sydney, Australia
    4. Colorado, USA
  13. Which of the following is not a winter vegetable?
    1. Collard Greens
    2. Rutabagas
    3. Red Cabbage
    4. Tomato
  14. Which of the following is a Summer Fruit?
    1. Plums
    2. Grapefruit
    3. Kiwis
    4. Pears
  15. Which groups has the most species of flowering plants?
    1. Asteraceae 
    2. Orchidaceae
    3. Angiosperms 
    4. Fabaceae
  16. In which country can you find the Villa d’este gardens?
    1. France
    2. Spain
    3. Italy
    4. Greece
  17. What type of berry is used to make gin?
    1. Raspberries
    2. Strawberries
    3. Juniper Berries
    4. Blackberries
  18. Which famous painting was inspired by the Monet’s Garden in Giverny, France?
    1. Mona Lisa
    2. The Starry Night
    3. Water Lilies
    4. Guernica
  19. What causes etiolation in plants?
    1. Lack of sufficient Air 
    2. Lack of sufficient Water 
    3. Lack of sufficient light 
    4. None of these
  20. What is the size of the gardens of Versailles in France?
    1. 100 ha
    2. 200 ha
    3. 400 ha
    4. 800 ha

Round 2: Gardening Multiple Choice Questions and Answers

  1. Which of the following chemical elements is not among the main elements in most fertilizers? Oxygen
  2. What is the process of growing plants in partial light called? Etiolation
  3. In which Canadian province can you find the Butchart Gardens? British Columbia
  4. How long does it take to grow a pumpkin? 90-120 days
  5. What is the best time of the year to plant a pumpkin? From early May through June
  6. When can you harvest new potatoes? 60-90 days
  7. Which fertilizer is best for ginger? Low-nitrogen
  8. How long does it take to grow/mature ginger? Eight to ten months
  9. Which of these is not a benefit of using mulch? To dry out damp soil
  10. When is the best time to harvest Rhubarb (in the Northern Hemisphere)? May – June
  11. What is the fastest-growing vegetable? Radishes  
  12. Where is the world’s largest botanical garden? Kew, England
  13. Which of the following is not a winter vegetable? Tomato
  14. Which of the following is a Summer Fruit? Plums
  15. Which groups has the most species of flowering plants? Angiosperms 
  16. In which country can you find the Villa d’este gardens? Italy
  17. What type of berry is used to make gin? Juniper berries
  18. Which famous painting was inspired by the Monet’s Garden in Giverny, France? Water Lilies
  19. What causes etiolation in plants? Lack of sufficient light
  20. What is the size of the gardens of Versailles in France? 800 ha

Round 3: Gardening Quiz – True or False

female hands planting flowers in the garden
  1. The soil is one of the most important parts of gardening.
  2. Plants need water for photosynthesis.
  3. The pH of your soil is one of the most important factors in determining its fertility.
  4. A pineapple is actually a berry.
  5. “Wilson’s Wonder” is a kind of Chestnut tree.
  6. Fern is a shady plant.
  7. Seeds remain a few months to dormant in the ground.
  8. Four weeks before the ground freezes is the best time to grow garlic.
  9. Watermelons are actually vegetables and are related to squash, cucumbers, and pumpkins.
  10. There are over 20,000 species of edible plants in the world. However, just 10 species provide 90% of human food.
  11. Indian gardens are gardens that create miniature landscapes that are often idealized and highly abstract.
  12. Many religions use gardens as symbols of paradise and immortality.
  13. The general guideline for watering a lawn is to apply 1.0″–1.5″ of water each day.
  14. “Pomology” is the study of fruit. Someone who studies fruit is a “pomologist.”
  15.  St Augustine is a type of grass.

Round 3: Gardening Quiz Answers – True or False

  1. The soil is one of the most important parts of gardening. True
  2. Plants need water for photosynthesis. True
  3. The pH of your soil is one of the most important factors in determining its fertility. True 
  4. A pineapple is actually a berry. True 
  5. “Wilson’s Wonder” is a kind of Chestnut tree. False. Walnut
  6. Fern is a shady plant. True 
  7. Seeds remain a few months to dormant in the ground. False. A few years
  8. Four weeks before the ground freezes is the best time to grow garlic. True 
  9. Watermelons are actually vegetables and are related to squash, cucumbers, and pumpkins. True
  10. There are over 20,000 species of edible plants in the world. However, just 10 species provide 90% of human food. False. 20 species 
  11. Indian gardens are gardens that create miniature landscapes that are often idealized and highly abstract. False. Japanese gardens.
  12. Many religions use gardens as symbols of paradise and immortality. True 
  13. The general guideline for watering a lawn is to apply 1.0″–1.5″ of water each day. False. Each week.
  14. “Pomology” is the study of fruit. Someone who studies fruit is a “pomologist.” True 
  15.  St Augustine is a type of grass. True

Round 4: Medium Gardening Quiz Questions

Watering the flowers in the garden
  1. What fruit is the only one with seeds on the outside? 
  2. True or False – Grasshoppers can destroy crops.
  3. Which term is used for a plant that may keep growing in many seasons for at least 2 years?
  4. What is the benefit of crop rotation in vegetable gardening?
  5. Which may we add to the garden soil to boost tilth, reduce pH level, prevent diseases, and improve nitrogen?
  6. In which modern-day nation can we find the Hanging Gardens of Babylon, one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World?
  7. Bonsai is the art of creating small trees to mimic the shape of trees in real life. From which country does it come?
  8. A deficiency of which element may lead to the yellowing of the leaves?
  9. What do we call the practice of clipping the twigs and foliage of shrubs or trees to clear clearly defined shapes?
  10. What fruit is the only edible fruit from the bromeliad family?

Round 4: Medium Gardening Quiz Questions and Answers

  1. What fruit is the only one with seeds on the outside?  Strawberry 
  2. True or False – Grasshoppers can destroy crops. True
  3. Which term is used for a plant that may keep growing in many seasons for at least 2 years? Perennial plants
  4. What is the benefit of crop rotation in vegetable gardening? To retain soil fertility
  5. Which may we add to the garden soil to boost tilth, reduce pH level, prevent diseases, and improve nitrogen? Coffee grounds
  6. In which modern-day nation can we find the Hanging Gardens of Babylon, one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World? Iraq
  7. Bonsai is the art of creating small trees to mimic the shape of trees in real life. From which country does it come? Japan
  8. A deficiency of which element may lead to the yellowing of the leaves? Iron
  9. What do we call the practice of clipping the twigs and foliage of shrubs or trees to clear clearly defined shapes? Topiary
  10. What fruit is the only edible fruit from the bromeliad family? Pineapple

Round 5: Hard Gardening Quiz Questions

Young couple standing with rake and shovel
  1. What is gardening with drought-resistant plants called?
  2. Which nutrients do plants not get directly from the soil?
  3. Which three nutrients are non-fertilizer nutrients?
  4. How is Impatiens walleriana commonly called?
  5. What is it called when a plant grows toward light?
  6. The fuchsia is named after Leon hart fuchs. What was he other than being a botanist?
  7. Which is the second largest group of flowering plants?
  8. What is the rarest flower in the world?
  9. What is the biggest flower in the world?
  10. What flower was once more valuable than gold in Holland?
  11. What is one of the oldest living tree species?
  12. What is the most suitable soil pH level for the most vegetable in the garden?
  13. What is the main cause of blossom-end rot, a quite common gardening issue?

Round 5: Hard Gardening Quiz Questions and Answers

  1. What is gardening with drought-resistant plants called? Xeriscaping
  2. Which nutrients do plants not get directly from the soil? Nitrogen and phosphorus
  3. Which three nutrients are non-fertilizer nutrients? Hydrogen, Oxygen, and Carbon
  4. How is Impatiens walleriana commonly called? Busy Lizzie
  5. What is it called when a plant grows toward light? Phototropism 
  6. The fuchsia is named after Leon hart fuchs. What was he other than being a botanist? Physician
  7. Which is the second largest group of flowering plants? The orchid family (Orchidaceae)
  8. What is the rarest flower in the world? The Middle mist’s Red camellia
  9. What is the biggest flower in the world? Rafflesia arnoldii
  10. What flower was once more valuable than gold in Holland? Tulip 
  11. What is one of the oldest living tree species? Ginkgo 
  12. What is the most suitable soil pH level for the most vegetable in the garden? Around 6 to 7
  13. What is the main cause of blossom-end rot, a quite common gardening issue? Calcium imbalance

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